Sunday 4 May 2014


 This is my eight entry in the list of my favourite top ten books. Ayn Rand is too great an author and I am in no position to talk about her style of writing. One has to read her books to understand her ideologies, her way of thinking, her way of life.
 This book is written with Architecture as it's backdrop. Howard Roark is an architect who, inspite of being a brilliant architect is willing to live his life in obscurity rather than compromise on his principles and his vision. Roark is a man of integrety and open mindset, who refuses to bow down to the societal norms of tradition-worship and instead chooses a lifelong battle against the society to practice architecture as he seems correct. 
Howard Roark is my absolute favourite fictional male character. I just love everything about him- his love for Dominque, his dedication towards his work, his friendship with Gale Wynand, his relationship with Peter Keating.
Roark is Rand's embodiment of what she believes to be the ideal human spirit, and his struggle reflects Rand's personal belief that individualism trumps collectivism.
Though this list of my favourite books is not in any partcular order, but I have to admit that this book, The   Fountainhead, is my absolute all-time favourite book. The first time I read this book, I was 19 and even today, after so many years, if I am free and have a reading urge then this is the book which I read. I must have read this book endless times but the unique thing about this story is that everytime a new aspect of the story unfolds before me making the whole experience new, once again for me.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorites too. Will come back to read about the rest of yours.
